Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Calm Down

1 day and 3 hours.  That is how long it took for me to get annoyed at work after having 9 days off.  Seriously, it's funny how things just keep coming up that you thought were gone.
Example - I have been having an ongoing issue with one specific "customer" since 2010.  Yesterday it finally closed, I am hoping this time for good. 
How does this happen?  Does anyone know?  I basically told everyone that met on the '10 issue yesterday that I didn't care how it went away, but we needed to get it fixed so that it didn't come up again, ever.  I think they agreed. 
Any who...  On to other items that may be of interest to you or meh, maybe not.  lol

1 - My bunches has a follow up meeting today for the job he is trying to get.  He had his second interview last Wednesday and it went well.  Today when he got to school, the other 2 guys that were also going for the job asked my bunches if he had received an email and he stated that he did, and he was going into a meeting today to discuss it further.  The other guys didn't get an email like that.  I am hoping that is good news.  So, I am hoping that good news will be coming out of this.
2 - I got minimal stitching done on Unleashed while on vacation last week.  I am however starting to put aside around an hour each night so that I can stitch.  If I can find where the 2013 January challenge is, and sign up for it, I will have more than enough projects to work on and will need that hour each night!
3 - I get to be part of the Advent Calendar Blog Hop!!  I am thrilled beyond words.  I am going to start getting my post ready early so that I will have it all ready to go.  WOOHOO
4 - Blogging has actually made me calm down.  Awesome! 
5 - My bunches told me that I should drink a cup of tea a day, (antioxidants and all).  I have been and now I can't seem to get enough.  I have had 3 so far today.  Guess it's on to water after this cup is gone.  I have to drink a ton of that too, but at least it doesn't bother me much any more.
6 - How is everyone doing on their Christmas (yeah, I said it) shopping?

Keep your fingers crossed for my bunches!  I'll let you know when I hear!


  1. I just read that our Crazy January Challenge 2012 Yahoo group will continue into 2013.

    Everyone has an album of their 2012 starts. We will just make a new album for 2013 starts.

  2. Hope everything gets better at work & your other half gets the job!!! Fingers crossed!!! Now, get stitching :D

  3. Well you did better than me...it took me five minutes today to get annoyed at work after only two days off. LOL.

    I am taking part in the advent calendar blog hop too! I have never done one before so it will be lots of fun I am sure! :)

    1. Doesn't that bother you? I think it pissed me off more that I got pissed off so soon after! LOL Horrid, but true!
      I'm sure it will be fun!
